In the Face of the Mob
An educated population will not be persuaded by pithy slogans or swayed by charismatic politicians. On the contrary, it will ask much of its public servants because it knows much; it will detect folly and value prudence; and it will elect virtuous men and send deceivers packing.
Candace Owens vs. Conservatives: Who is Crazy?
Honest media will debunk an argument without having to shame the other person as "crazy."
War On Education: Overcoming Evil with Good
In the face of the globalist threat, the best tactic to overthrow their tyranny is to raise and education your own children in the way they should go independently from the state.
Feminism: An Anti Choice Movement
There is a myth surrounding the ideology of feminism that has been carefully crafted by its makers. This myth is that feminism is a movement that promotes a woman’s right to choose.
The Electoral College — The Purpose & Process
Before we can even consider abolishing our system of presidential elections, we must be sure that we understand its process and purpose.
The Necessity of the Nuclear Family
Possibly the most invaluable tradition that the Left has banished from its self-proclaimed “progressive utopia” is the family—specifically, the nuclear family.
Feminism: The Radical First Wave
Feminism, from its conception, has always been a dangerous ideology, designed to destroy all traditional structures and ways of life.
The Power of the Primary
It is vital that, regardless of who you vote for, we all find a common ground of trust in the election system, which Samuel Adams once called “one of the most solemn trusts in human society.”
Can You Define Fascism?
Fascism. It is a term widely used but hardly understood. Are you aware of the history and philosophy surrounding this term? Can you define it?